
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July Link-Up

I know I've been on a bit of a hiatus, but hopefully, you can see why!

Time for the July link-up from  All Y'all Need.  If you want to participate, check out the details on her page. 

 Just finished our travels!  We did 3 days in Rome, and 3 in Florence.  The weather was beautiful the entire time we were there, and we walked walked walked around the cities!  We averaged over 14000 steps a day while we were there and 25 flights of stairs (thanks to my Fit Bit for keeping track!).   We took close to 1000 pictures, but here are some of the sights!

Duomo from the Bell Tower

Using: oh the bugs!  We got back from our travels and turned around for one (rainy) weekend in Indiana, and the following in Wisconsin, both on camping ventures.  I thought we were bathing in bug spray!  I hoped we'd left them in their respective states, but over the weekend, we took the dog for a walk and only made it a mile out before we had to turn back- even with the bug spray, they were swarming and biting through our clothes.  They are serious this year!

Loving getting back into my Zumba groove.  OK, so the school gym we use makes it feel more like Bikram Zumba, but there's something fun about bopping around to the catchy music.  And an hour and a half class gets me about 8000 steps, which is hugely helpful in the summer.  Last summer, I started a session and in the second class, I had a "Zumba solo", wherein my coordinated self lost my footing and sprained my ankle.  It benched me for quite a few weeks, so I am happy to be able to actually participate this summer.

Yummy- I went to a freezer meals workshop yesterday, and made 20 crockpot ready meals, that I am super excited to break out when the school year starts.  I am a big advocate for freezer cooking (it's the only system my husband and I can agree on to get dinner on the table), but I was in a bit of a rut with my regular marinades and go-to recipes.  It was fun to get together with some friends and put things together.  Let's hope those dinners turn out as good as they sounded!