
Friday, October 19, 2012


Hi all! I was inspired by some of my favorite speech blogs to share some of my own takes on the speech world.  I am a Speech Pathologist in the cornfields of the midwest.  You know, the kind of place that publishes the average corn crop in the local paper next to the spelling bee coverage (no joke, that was today's coverage).  I work in the schools, and currently split my time between an elementary and middle school.  It's my first year in my current district.  I now live in the same town that I work in.  It's a pretty big deal for me. Like everyone else that works in the schools, I am addicted to Pinterest.   :)

In my spare time, I work at a nursing home, take Zumba, and spend time with my husband.  We've been married for about a year and a half, and we met in college.  Our cat and dog are both about five years old, although we've owned the cat since she was a kitten, and the dog for only about a year.  Both are a little odd, a little needy, and despite the picture below, the cat will have you know that she DESPISES the dog.  But we love them anyway.

Penny (the dog) and Ariadne (the cat).

When the weather is warmer, I like to garden, or at least pretend I know what to do with dirt and plants.
Summer bounty

I'd like to think there's more to me than that.  And there probably is.  But I'm sure you'll find out more of my idiosyncrasies as things go on.  :)

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