
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday: My Laminating Fairy

My school doesn't have a large laminator.  In fact, neither my elementary NOR my middle school have one.  Shock! Gasp! Say it ain't so!

Oh, but it is.  Because we have something better.

I have a laminating fairy*.  Twice a week, the fairy comes and picks up materials to be laminated and returns with them two days later.  Right to my mailbox.  It's pretty amazing.  And I am SO thankful about the time I save when I don't have to wait for the laminator to warm up, and get covered in the scraps of laminate that adhere to me via static electricity.

Some of my recently laminated goodies.
We also have a copying service in my district that is serviced by a district employee.  If I ever had large copying projects, it would be the first place I go.  They also make posters, which I am interested in possibly dabbling in next year.

*I am aware that my fairy is actually a very sweet and kind parent volunteer who I frequently thank profusely and will be getting a gift certificate from me for Christmas and the end of the school year for her help!

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