
Monday, September 9, 2013

September Speech Link Up!

The school year is off and running!  We are in week 4 already, and time is flying by!  Here's my link-up for September, brought to you by All Y'all Need!

Schooling: We have to do online trainings for my school district on allergies, bloodborn pathogins, HIPAA, ethics, and a few other things.  On top of that, the company that I do PRN work for also makes us do similar yearly trainings.  You can bet that the systems aren't compatible, so this weekend, I will be sitting down and doing TWO rounds of the same trainings and quizzes.  Plus, I signed up for some continuing ed credits through my ASHA SIG so that I can have all the credits I will need for my state licensure at the end of October.  That's going to be a lot of time on the computer!

Excited: I have two eligibility reviews due October 1st this year (yowza! That's like *no* time from now).  I am hoping to use the CELF-5 for these kiddos, since it ships this week.  Keep your fingers crossed that it gets to us by next week!

Prepping: I bought a bunch of stuff at the last TpT sale, but was out of cardstock.  Today, the three packages I requested came in, which totally made my Monday.  Color printer, here I come!

Trying: At the building I've been at for a year already, I am trying 5 minute quick artic 2-3 times a week. It feels more time consuming right now, because I have a lot of kids that I see for one sound only that I'm trying this with, but I'm hoping that some of my kids that are close to generalization will get to that point faster and I'll be able to rotate in new kids.  I'm on week 3 of actually doing therapy for some of those kids, and already I've seen a huge improvement in one of my students that worked almost all year last year on getting the /r/ in isolation (it was like starting from scratch every week!).  He's almost ready to move to syllables, which is a pretty big leap for him.   

That's all about my September, what about yours?
Is anyone else waiting for the CELF-5? 
Have to sit through awful monotone trainings that you can't skip through? 
Have you had success with quick artic?  I am seeing the kids individually, which is the part that feels the most time consuming.