
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Materials Wednesday: Multisyllabic Election Day Words & Vocab

I know we're all knee deep in Halloween, but around the corner is a pretty big day: Election Day.  A day that is chalk full of juicy vocabulary words and most of them are at least 3 syllables long. Multiple birds with one material? It's a thing I like to do.

So, there's a few ways you can make this work.  There are the vocab words on cards:

There are the same vocab words segmented on cards:

There are definitions for matching:

In all, there are 18 vocab cards with matching definitions and corresponding segmented cards.  There's also a cheat sheet, in case you are like me and maybe this isn't your area of strength, that has each word and definition.

You can find it over here on my TpT site.

The few ideas I came up with for use were as follows:
Younger Elementary:
1.) Multisyllabic word card game.  If you have students working on multisyllabic words, they can play a straight up card game with the segmented cards or regular cards.  There are cards included to draw an extra card or put a card back.  The student with the most cards wins.
2.) Multisyllabic memory.  Use the regular vocab and segmented vocab cards in a memory game (6x6 grid).  The students practice each word they turn over.

Older Elementary/Middle School/Early HS students who are unfamiliar with the vocab:
1.) Match the words to the definitions. 
2.) Use the words & definitions in a game similar to go-fish.
3.) Memory game with the words & definitions.
4.) Drill either the definitions or the words using either the words or definitions as a word bank.

Students who are more familiar with the vocab:
1. Play the game with the vocab cards. When the student draws a word, they have to define it to get the card.  The one with the most cards at the end wins.
2. Drill the definitions or vocab words, sans a word bank.
3. Provide the definition and have the students answer in question form, like Jeopardy ("What is president").

If you try it out, let me know.  And if you have more suggestions on how to use the cards, please share that, too!

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