
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thankful Thursday

As SLP's, we know that our work space can sometimes require....flexibility.  Last year, in one building I was in the kindergarten observation room, next to the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Early Childhood Classroom and across from the cafeteria.  Let's just say, trying to pull kids for evaluations between the hours of 11-2PM was out of the question.  I also learned a LOT of songs about colors, counting to 100, and the "wave goodbye goodbye" song still works itself into my dreams.  :)

This year I am THRILLED by my offices.  Thrilled, I say.

Today, I am thankful for my window.  Because it lets in enough light that I can leave the flourescent lights off for a good portion of the day.  Plus, I was privvy to an exquisite maple tree (that I wished I took pictures of before the rain knocked off the beautiful leaves) that turned a vibrant shade of fiery orange and then a scarlet red.  It looks out over the front of the school, so I always have a few students that get a little distracted by the comings and goings of staff and other adults.  But oh! a window that looks outside!

This is from the very beginning of the year, but it's the best picture I have.
There are actually 3(!) windows. And I did get chairs since then.

There are plenty of other things that I am thankful for in my current digs.  Check back in upcoming weeks for more things I am thankful for!

What about you? Do you love your window, or do you yearn for one?  My other office doesn't have windows, but I still love that one for different reasons. 

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