
Friday, November 2, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

I always have great plans for parent teacher conferences.  I think I'll have time to make materials. To catch up on paperwork! To schedule evaluation times! To talk to parents!

The reality is that I managed to get just a little bit of all of that done in the last 2 days.  So I don't feel like I've really been able to cross anything off my to-do list.  I can say that I did get a little chipped away from every part of my list: materials for students, updated goal tracking sheets (I had 12 IEPs since the start of school, and haven't done a great job on updating some of my group data sheets), meeting with parents (OK, I did all of these), sending out invites for the meetings that meeting with parents confirmed times for, getting out RtI permission slips to teachers so they can talk about it with parents, try and figure out when I am testing the 2 students I have re-evals due for in 2 weeks (I hate being so last-minute, but it's been crazy with Institute Days and P/T days, Halloween and our local Pumpkin Fest also meant kids couldn't be pulled).

So I can't say anything is really crossed off my list.  But I can say that I have a lot of things started, which is more than nothing, right?

I am spending the weekend away from my computer.  What are you up to?

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