
Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday App: Common Core Standards

Ah, the Common Core.  The pages and pages of .pdf that I flip through on the internet.  The document I have printed for each office so I can cross check before I write goals. Oh, the time I have spent with you, Common Core Standards!

So, when I was perusing the App Store and came across the Common Core Standards App by Mastery Connect?  I was thrilled. 

 As you can see below from the handy dandy widget, the standards are organized by the common core areas, then by grade level.  It's SO much faster for me to look up standards now.  Try it out here if you want:

 And I almost forgot! This fabulous  app is FREE!  Wahoo!

Stay tuned for Wednesday, when I share a material that makes looking up Common Core Standards even faster & easier.  Between these two things, you'll spend less time sifting and more time using exactly what you need.

What Common Core shortcuts do you use?

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