
Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday bonus!

Has it been a weird week for anyone else?  Yesterday afternoon, my kids were off the wall.  Weird new behaviors that I have never seen before and squirrely.  I got home yesterday thinking, "my, what a weird day".

As of Monday, we have 15 school days left before winter break.  An early Thanksgiving makes it feel like the time between Thanksgiving and Winter break is going to last f-o-r-e-v-e-r!

I thought as a Friday afternoon treat, I should make myself something for the students to look forward to as we try and buckle down through these last few weeks.  Because when they are excited to come to speech, my day passes a LOT faster.

Earlier this week, I whipped up a little freebie called Puns about Winter are Snow Joke for my artic/fluency/pragmatics kids.  I haven't gotten a chance to print it out and put it all together myself, yet, but I am looking forward to it.

This week, my principal also did a presentation as part of his annual evaluation on using iPads in the classroom.  And if your principal says that he is giving a presentation before school and the superintendent will be there, you definitely find yourself there no matter what.  Especially if this is your first year in said district.

Anyway, one of the things he was providing information on was QR codes. Now, my other school did  a quick presentation on them at the beginning of the year, but I had sort of filed the idea away with all the other things that I was probably told during that first week, but only have vague recollection of now.

Long story short, the presentation was good, QR codes are cool, and my principal followed up his presentation by sending a copy of his notes and saying, "I hope to see QR codes in the classrooms when I do my walkthroughs in the upcoming weeks."

I needn't tell you, dear readers, that when your principal suggests such things, you quickly try to figure out a way to make it so. 

While I look forward to brainstorming some really unique ideas to earn brownie points in the future, I needed something much more immediate.  So I took 15 of the jokes from my puns packet, and put them onto cards.  To find the answer?  Yep, you guessed it, QR codes that link to the answer.


You can find it here.

Does anyone use QR codes regularly?  I'd love to hear about how you use them!


  1. I am so happy to see this! I was just looking into creating some activities using QR codes and thinking about how to make it fun for therapy! Nice work!!!

  2. Glad you liked it. My students went gaga for it, up through the 7th graders!
