
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Odd job

This is a cup that students at my school use for ketchup.

I have a student that would eat ketchup all day, every day, if he could.  But his teacher wants him to only have 1 cup of it a day, because he gets silly if he eats more.

This means I found myself writing a social story that included a page about only having one cup of ketchup a day.

When I asked one of the ladies who works in the cafeteria if I may have a ketchup cup to photograph, she looked at me strangely.  I tried to warn her.  I led with, "This will probably be a strange request, but..."

She asked her supervisor, who quizzed me on my intentions for said picture.  I did not realize that asking for a ketchup cup (empty, even!) would be a suspicious activity.

When I said that I had to write a story for a student that needs to limit his intake.  "Oh", she said, "I know exactly who you are talking about," and sent off someone to get me a ketchup cup.

Some days, my job is weird.

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