
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

One material purged...

The speech pathologist that retired 2 years before I took my job left a LOT of stuff behind.  Lots and lots of worksheets (a whole file cabinet full!), workbooks, references, and games.  Some of it has been helpful, and this being my first year in the district, I didn't want to make too many waves and get rid of things en masse.  After all, one never knows what one will encounter on a new caseload, yes?

At the end of the year, I did start to tackle some of the extra materials.  I needed a better organization system that worked for me, and part of that meant taking the games off the shelf where they were taunting my students and moving them to a place where they were a bit less...obvious- namely a cabinet.  In order to do that, of course, I had to go through the cabinet's contents.  I was able to whittle away some extraneous materials, including this gem:

Copyright 1979!

It's too bad this book was missing a cover and had been split into chunks to fit into a folder.  I looked on Amazon, and they are selling for over $100!

What's something you've uncovered hiding in your speech room?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THAT BOOK!! My cover is also torn :( ...Wow didn't realize it was such a valuable item!
