
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

More Inferring Activities: Print Ads

I've mentioned before about using visuals like comics and TV commercials to help my students who work on inferring information, figurative language, and visual humor.  Let me share with you another resource I've been using: I created a Pinterest board using print ads.

As with anything Pinterest related, it is a work in progress.  I usually take about 4-5 to work on in a session, throw them on powerpoint slides, and then crop out or cover what is being advertised using a filled in text box (always have a 2nd picture to show them whether their guesses were right!  My students love to guess what the ad might be about, and I usually get a lot of language while they are hypothesizing.  It also tells me a lot about their areas of knowledge, as some kids really lack a point of reference for some of the ads.

Next year, I am looking for more carryover activities for home to start with my students.  I am thinking a few small books of advertisements for some of my students that are working on inferring might be a great place to start.  I'll let you know when I get on the ball with that!  ;)

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