
Friday, June 7, 2013

SLP Link Up, June 2013

Last time, I shared my bucket list for the summer.  Then I came across this SLP Link-up, and wanted to share.  I know the point is networking and promotion of products, but the fact is, I just got onto summer break mode as of yesterday, and my brain isn't quite ready yet for thinking about that.  In fact, you can see where my brain is, exactly with this post!

If you are interested in participating in the SLP Link Up, check out the post from How Pinteresting.  

Jamming to: While I've been working out in the yard, I've been enjoying Mumford and Sons.  It's pretty relaxing stuff, and has enough variety that I don't get bored.  But I've also added Fun. to the playlist and the Lumineers, just for additional variety.
Unwinding: The flower beds have been driving me batty!  I planted a few weeks ago, and you wouldn't even know it with all the weeds!  But there's something satisfying about a cleaned up flower bed, and I can see my productivity.  Plus, it's given me a lot of time to listen to music and enjoy the sunshine.
Needing: some good summer reading books. I have one book, but a lot of time on planes and days of camping ahead of me, and I am looking for good recommendations.  I mostly read memoirs, or "chick lit", but I've really enjoyed books by Gillian Flynn lately.  I also like YA fiction, but I burnt myself out on dystopian societies with strong young females last summer after doing the Hunger Games trilogy, Uglies Trilogy and Divergent/Insurgent in the span of 3 months.  Here's an almost complete list of books I've read (I sometimes forget to record) over the past few years if you want a more comprehensive idea.

Excited about: our trip to Italy!  Unfortunately, the weather is projected to be cool this summer, which might make the maxi dresses I bought last week a moot point, but oh well!  

So there, you can see, I haven't done anything school related because my brain is on break!  Although, I did purchase the SLPs Care for OK bundles, because, hello?! an awesome deal and fabulous cause? Sign me up.  And I can download them when my brain is a bit more willing to think about goals and materials and all that stuff!


  1. Just found your blog through the Link Up! I didn't look at your list of books (but plan on it to get ideas for myself!!), but if you have not read 'Schuyler's Monster by Robert Rummel-Hudson, I definitely recommend it! Hope you have a wonderful trip!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, I will check it out!

  2. A trip to Italy?!! How fantastic! And I have to say, even if you don't get to wear your new maxi-dresses, a cool summer in Rome will be so much nicer than a hot summer in Rome... that is one tough place to beat the heat!

    I'll be checking back in, with the hope that you've posted some pics!!! Enjoy!
    Wide World of Speech Therapy

    1. I suppose I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth! Although the forecasted temperatures have been creeping up since last I posted!

  3. Oh I'm so jealous of your trip to Italy. I really want to get back to Europe! Enjoy it despite the weather! Are you doing [simply speech]'s book club this summer? You should check it out. We're reading Carly's Voice to start it. Not sure if you've read that one yet (didn't check out your full list). We'd love to have you join us!

    Home Sweet Speech Room

    1. I haven't read Carly's Voice. I will have to check it out. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Awesome, Italy! I love Italy! My in-laws lived there for 3 years, so I visited them twice. Both times were at Christmas, but I've heard Italian summers are a beast. I think a "cool" summer in Italy will probably feel just right!

    As far as books go, try You can rate books that you have read, and it will suggest other books based on ratings of books you've read. It's awesome. :)

    Aersta @
