
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

One material purged...

The speech pathologist that retired 2 years before I took my job left a LOT of stuff behind.  Lots and lots of worksheets (a whole file cabinet full!), workbooks, references, and games.  Some of it has been helpful, and this being my first year in the district, I didn't want to make too many waves and get rid of things en masse.  After all, one never knows what one will encounter on a new caseload, yes?

At the end of the year, I did start to tackle some of the extra materials.  I needed a better organization system that worked for me, and part of that meant taking the games off the shelf where they were taunting my students and moving them to a place where they were a bit less...obvious- namely a cabinet.  In order to do that, of course, I had to go through the cabinet's contents.  I was able to whittle away some extraneous materials, including this gem:

Copyright 1979!

It's too bad this book was missing a cover and had been split into chunks to fit into a folder.  I looked on Amazon, and they are selling for over $100!

What's something you've uncovered hiding in your speech room?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

More Inferring Activities: Print Ads

I've mentioned before about using visuals like comics and TV commercials to help my students who work on inferring information, figurative language, and visual humor.  Let me share with you another resource I've been using: I created a Pinterest board using print ads.

As with anything Pinterest related, it is a work in progress.  I usually take about 4-5 to work on in a session, throw them on powerpoint slides, and then crop out or cover what is being advertised using a filled in text box (always have a 2nd picture to show them whether their guesses were right!  My students love to guess what the ad might be about, and I usually get a lot of language while they are hypothesizing.  It also tells me a lot about their areas of knowledge, as some kids really lack a point of reference for some of the ads.

Next year, I am looking for more carryover activities for home to start with my students.  I am thinking a few small books of advertisements for some of my students that are working on inferring might be a great place to start.  I'll let you know when I get on the ball with that!  ;)

Friday, June 7, 2013

SLP Link Up, June 2013

Last time, I shared my bucket list for the summer.  Then I came across this SLP Link-up, and wanted to share.  I know the point is networking and promotion of products, but the fact is, I just got onto summer break mode as of yesterday, and my brain isn't quite ready yet for thinking about that.  In fact, you can see where my brain is, exactly with this post!

If you are interested in participating in the SLP Link Up, check out the post from How Pinteresting.  

Jamming to: While I've been working out in the yard, I've been enjoying Mumford and Sons.  It's pretty relaxing stuff, and has enough variety that I don't get bored.  But I've also added Fun. to the playlist and the Lumineers, just for additional variety.
Unwinding: The flower beds have been driving me batty!  I planted a few weeks ago, and you wouldn't even know it with all the weeds!  But there's something satisfying about a cleaned up flower bed, and I can see my productivity.  Plus, it's given me a lot of time to listen to music and enjoy the sunshine.
Needing: some good summer reading books. I have one book, but a lot of time on planes and days of camping ahead of me, and I am looking for good recommendations.  I mostly read memoirs, or "chick lit", but I've really enjoyed books by Gillian Flynn lately.  I also like YA fiction, but I burnt myself out on dystopian societies with strong young females last summer after doing the Hunger Games trilogy, Uglies Trilogy and Divergent/Insurgent in the span of 3 months.  Here's an almost complete list of books I've read (I sometimes forget to record) over the past few years if you want a more comprehensive idea.

Excited about: our trip to Italy!  Unfortunately, the weather is projected to be cool this summer, which might make the maxi dresses I bought last week a moot point, but oh well!  

So there, you can see, I haven't done anything school related because my brain is on break!  Although, I did purchase the SLPs Care for OK bundles, because, hello?! an awesome deal and fabulous cause? Sign me up.  And I can download them when my brain is a bit more willing to think about goals and materials and all that stuff!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Bucket List

Today marks my first official day of summer break.  Tomorrow I have an SLP work day, so it's a little hard to get in the groove for summer, but it does give me a chance to think about what I want to do this summer to recharge my batteries, as it were.

I don't know about you, but the last month of my school year was mighty busy.  I had initial evaluations, a bunch of 3-year re-evals and progress reports, galore.  I also found out I will be switching one of my buildings in the fall with another SLP in the district, to help balance out numbers.  It means I had to say goodbye to my middle schoolers, and will be split between 2 elementaries next year.  But before I can think about setting up another office, looking at new goals, figuring out schedules (oh, the dread!), and getting to know a new staff, I need some recuperation time.  

So, here's my list for the summer, which is supposed to be a mix of fun and rejuvenating.  Somewhere in there will be working my PRN position, and maybe some more home projects.

1. Get a pedicure.  It may only be 60 degrees in my part of the world, but I am convinced that it will help me get in the mood for summer.
2. Go on vacation.  This will happen.  We are doing a trip to Rome and Florence for a week, then a few days hanging out in New York, recovering from jet lag at my folks' place.
3. Go camping.  This is also on the calendar; one weekend with my mother-in-law's family, and leaving 4 days later to spend a long weekend at a YMCA camp with my father-in-law's family.  But I'd like to float a weekend with a few friends out there, as I do enjoy cooking over campfires.
4. Tend to my garden.  My peppers, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs are all in.  Now to keep them all alive, and actually producing!
5. Take enough walks with the dog to finish an audio book.  I just started Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn (who also wrote Gone Girl). I imagine it would be a page turner, if I had an actual book, but it definitely makes me motivated to walk more.  My poor dog is both excited by the prospect and, I think, slightly filled with fear, since she makes it about a mile and then starts turning up almost any driveway we pass.
6. Read more books. This is on everyone's summer list, no?  I haven't decided what I want to read, yet.  My mother-in-law just passed along a book called Left Neglected, which I will definitely get to.  Just not sure what else I want to dive into. Any suggestions?
7. Clean up the basement. OK, this is an embarrassing tidbit: we moved into our house 4 years ago this summer. When we moved in, the previous owners had taken what they wanted from the basement, but didn't clean it out.  We started to clean it out, but never finished.  It is now on my list!
8. Catch up on Doctor Who. Fact: I am becoming a Whovian.  I am two episodes away from David Tennant's departure, and while I am trying to savor him, I want to get caught up by the 50th anniversary in November. I know the most recent episode was quite the subject of debate, and I have been trying to avoid all the chatter.
9. Make some new speech materials. I have some ideas rattling around in my head, and there they have rattled since sometime in the spring.  Like I said, it was a busy spring.
10. Go to the drive in theatre. It seems like such a staple summer activity. We have one about 45 minutes away, and last year I took my husband to go see Amazing Spiderman and Brave. It's just a fun way to spend an evening- providing I can stay awake!

There are other things that might make the list down the road, but I don't want to overdue it.  It's about relaxing, right?

How close are you to summer vacation? What are your summer plans?  Any good trips?